Well, 2016 has ended and we are in the first day of the new year! I've thought about this blog for a week now and as I sit here looking back on the past year, it's all just a bit....overwhelming. Overwhelmingly good. Overwhelmingly exhausting. Overwhelmingly blessed. Overwhelmingly challenging. And, yet, I can't imagine doing anything else now that I've gotten a full reality of what being a photographer is really like! Here's a glimpse into what this year looked like for me, personally:
**Guilt & Late- LATE- nights editing: I won't lie, as much as my favorite part of being a Photographer is getting to meet the clients and interact with them throughout a session; my next-to-favorite part is looking at and editing their images! It's always like a competition (the competitiveness always comes through) to outdo myself each time with better editing every image. It's genuinely like the anticipation of Christmas morning before you get to open the gifts... EVERY time I sit down to pull up the images from the most recent session. I love it!
It's also one of the most stressful parts of the job. With four kiddos - two of those under two- at home running around demanding my attention, wanting my love, and growing up behind my computer screen; it's really difficult to come home from work and go straight to editing. It's literally difficult as they actually come up pulling on my computer wanting me.... and emotionally difficult as I'm torn between being Mom & Photographer. Guilt sets in as I want to thrive so much at both titles but find that one always has to be put before the other. (Obviously, my kids come first...and always will). Since they come first, it's usually close to 9 p.m. before I even START editing for the day. And, let's face it, after working all day as Librarian then coming home to care for 4 kiddos, by 9 p.m. I'm beyond exhausted. My hubby is constantly waking me up at my computer telling me to either wake up and edit or call it a night and go to bed. (I won't even go into how much my poor hubby is ignored for editing purposes). On top of all of that.... who has time to fold laundry?! Real life at our house is 4 baskets of CLEAN clothes that simply do not get folded for MONTHS! And there comes more guilt.
But with that guilt comes grace. Grace from all of you as you have constantly shown patience and understanding when a sick baby postpones your promised images. Grace from my hubby, who understands and supports my longing to do this even when I'm at my wits end. And grace from my Heavenly Father, who always shows me that He has fully equipped me to do what He has called me to do. And, I'm learning to show myself grace. Grace that sometimes it's okay if the laundry goes unfolded or that I didn't get sneak peeks posted the night of the session...or if a blog post goes unwritten....or to turn down a session because I'm simply booked. 2017 will definitely need and be filled with MORE GRACE.
**Learning New Things & Growing Up- My motto has always been to "JustB Better Every Day" and I've tried my hardest to stay true to that this year at JustB. I've still spent countless hours learning new editing skills. I've spent many lunch breaks watching seminars on growing a photography business and marketing tools. And I still research best lighting and camera setting techniques every afternoon I have free. Learning new things is easy in this field because there are so many amazing photographers to follow and learn from.
It's the growing-up part that was difficult for me this past year. During 2016, I experienced my first encounter with clients who simply asked more from me than I had initially intended to give, who have challenged me to instantly provide better than what was given & even our first unsatisfied client once images were received. At first, my initial reaction is to take offense, take it personally, have my feelings hurt and become defensive. However, as a the owner of this business, I know that I have to be professional. There were several times this year that I had to step back from the situation and get advice from others on how to most professionally handle it. (Thanks to my AsSIStant, Hannah, and my Dad who are both always ready to lend sound advice).
So, yes, this year took alot of growing up! But I can honestly say I'm proud of myself for how each situation was handled- again, with lots of venting to and advice from those around me. Our unsatisfied customer even left with an email of appreciation and agreement that we both learned from her session. While I am proud, I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back. I'm saying this to be real with y'all. It was hard to take constructive criticism. It was hard to not simply say "No, I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can do for you" to some clients this year. But THAT'S not why I started JustB Photography. I started JustB because it is my absolute joy to capture and provide printable memories for my clients that they love and will cherish! And, after that being challenged, I can STILL say, it is why I love this job so much! 2016 forced me to grow-up and remember WHY I do this...and 2017 will be better because of it!
**So. Much. Thankfulness.- Seriously, guys. Y'all are awesome! JustB Photography has THE best clients in the area and we love and appreciate y'all so much! I'm so overwhelmed at how many of you trusted us with your printable memories in 2016!
We love having new clients who we can build relationships with! We love having returning customers who we get to capture as their families grow in number and age! There is nothing better than receiving a message from one of you after you've received your images letting us know that they brought tears to your eyes or that they were exactly what you hoped they would be! YOU guys are the reason we love this job so much! YOU are the reason the exhaustion and growing is 100% worth it! We would NOT be where we are if it were not for all of you! We appreciate your business. We appreciate your support. We appreciate you telling others about us. We appreciate your words of wisdom and kindness! And we appreciate you believing in JustB Photography! I hope you read this knowing that I say it from the bottom of my heart: Thank you!
There you have it- what I learned in 2016. JustB has grown so much this past year and I'm so stinkin' excited to see what all God has in store for JustB Photography in 2017!! I follow a Christian author on Facebook and what she had to say for 2017 this morning is completely my hearts desire for JustB in 2017. This is from Ann Voskamp:
...come close on this quiet Sunday, it's going to be okay... yeah, you've got bends in the road ahead, things unknown in the year ahead, lots of question marks that you'd love answers for -- but you've gotta know it's really going to be okay up ahead, we already know how everything is going to turn out: When we know Christ, we always know how things are going to go — *always for our good and always for His glory.*
"We can be so sure that *every detail* in our lives of love for God *is worked into something good.*" Romans8:28MSG
Remember what we're saying this year: "Happy No-Fear New Year!"
It may feel like Mount Everest in front of you, that mountain you have to climb in the next 364 days.
But the deal is: *Every mountain that every Christian ever faces, the Lord levels with sufficient grace: The Lord Will Provide.*
You don't have to climb mountains named I Will Perform.
You don't have to climb mountains named I Will Produce.
Jesus *flattens* that mountain before you with His Grace: *The Lord will Provide.* With enough strength. With enough wisdom. With More Than Enough of Himself.
More important than you trying to muster up sufficient *grit and determination* for the new year --- is that you simply accept *His sufficient grace and LIBERATION* every day. Happy "No-Fear New Year!"
Every single mountain in front of you is named..."The Lord will provide." Genesis 22:14
You are always, always loved!
Guys, I'm daring to dream big with God over JustB Photography this year! Big things happening... big things coming. And there's no one else I'd rather do it all with than YOU! Stay tuned.... it's Happy No-Fear New Year!!!!! And I couldn't possibly close-out a blog without some images! So enjoy some if 2016's images that have yet to grace the blog!!! Love y'all!!!!